You’re not alone. I’ve guided thousands through their toughest challenges, and I can help you too COACHING Struggling to break free from stagnant cycles? BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION

Does your life feel like this?

  • Constant imbalance, never finding your center
  • Leadership challenges, my team won’t do what I’ve asked   
  • Dreams and passions pushed aside by daily demands
  • Your body sending distress signals you can’t ignore
  • Weight that won’t budge, holding you back
  • Drowning in possessions, yet feeling empty
  • Relationships that drain rather than fulfill
  • A gnawing sense that you’re meant for more

Or perhaps:

  • Overwhelm is your constant companion
  • Your work leaves you hollow, not inspired
  • Your leadership is not as effective as it could be 
  • ‘Someday’ is always tomorrow, never today
  • Life happens to you, not because of you
  • Anger simmers beneath the surface
  • Surrounded by people, yet profoundly alone
  • Trapped in cycles you can’t seem to break

If any of these resonate, it’s time for a change.

A more fulfilling life is available to you.  

 Let’s work together to unlock your potential and create the life you’ve always envisioned with a proven, evidence-based approach.

As an experienced nurse practitioner and coach, I partner with you through deep listening.  I help you uncover the core of who you are and what’s holding you back. Together,  we uncover insights and craft innovative strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Let’s pave the way to your brighter future

Eileen O'Grady

My holistic method addresses every facet of your life, always filtered through a lens of compassion and human connection.  I don’t advise,  rather I seek to understand, support, and empower you.

The most important step is the first,  reach out and see if we are a fit.  

How it Works

There is no fee for the first call. We’ll have a conversation where I’ll listen and ask questions.   If  we determine that coaching with me is a good fit for you, we can schedule coaching sessions over the phone/ZOOM at any interval that works for you. 

We work at the pace that you choose — I have clients from all over the country that I coach monthly, biweekly or weekly, so we do what works for you. 

Tailored Support for Lasting Change

How I Work

Before each session, I take time to clear  all distractions, and sit in silence so that I can be fully present.  Coaching requires a high degree of attentiveness, presence and mindfulness. I practice radical acceptance of where you are, anything you tell me is completely confidential and only shared anonymously with my mentor coach colleague as needed. 

Personal Philosophy of Health and Wellness

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Self-knowledge Rather Than Band-Aids

During two decades as a primary care provider, I wrote prescriptions by the fistful as it is customarily done, to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety and diabetes, to name a few. From that experience, I believe that what we are doing in traditional health care is not working, that people are getting sick and sicker because of unhealthy lifestyles that do not support wellness.

Most people do not need information, but rather deeper self-knowledge, inspiration and support through the transformative change process. Our current medical model is illness-oriented in the extreme and for many chronic illnesses, the only armament it offers is prescription medication. While medications are hugely important in mitigating the effects of chronic illness, I also believe that most chronic illnesses can be treated or entirely reversed with self-awareness–emancipatory self knowledge and dramatic and sustained lifestyle change.

Extreme Self Care: The Capacity to Live Well is Already Within Us

The top rated causes of death and disability are often entirely preventable or even reversible with dramatic, sustained lifestyle change.  In order for us to commit to and pursue a lifestyle that makes us truly whole, we need to make some decisions that reflect what we cherish most. Most of us had experiences in our lives that required an intense resolve or fierce bravery in overcoming obstacles.

I believe we can build on previous experiences that bring forth our best selves and apply them to building the best life we can.  Once we learn how to practice extreme self care, we are able to give more to those that we love, to our communities, and to pursue things that excite us. In my role as a coach, I am trained to listen intensely and partner with people to develop  and hold their vision as they move towards it. I have an unwavering commitment to successful transformative lifestyle change.

Inheritance From Nursing

In addition to coaching, I use a strong human caring approach from my foundation as a nurse practitioner. I know that human caring is a powerful tool and that I am committed to partnering with individuals to find deeper meaning in their lives and clarify their most cherished values through the illness ordeal or through making needed changes in their lives. I will provide persistent support in partnering with you to reach your goals through mutual engagement, warmth, humor, honesty and occasional fierceness.


Cultivating an environment that encourages people interested in sustained lifestyle change to dig deeply without fear, guilt, shame or lecturing is a fundamental responsibility of a coach. I believe that most people are deeply committed to becoming whole and living a life that they truly want and need only expanded awareness and support to do so. Having deep conversations with people and listening intensely to what people want most of all is the key to aligning what we value most with what we do everyday.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is coaching?

Coaches partner with others to live their best lives. This is done through a relationship that creates transformation and learning in people seeking to change the parts of their lives that are no longer serving them well. It starts with deep listening, an engaging conversation in which you the thinker  (you) gains more insight about what you may be struggling with and sometimes access what you already know.

Coaching is a relational tool (with me) to get at your deepest wants and desires. It is a conversation in which I listen intensely to what you want and work closely with you to use your strengths to get it. We focus on the present and the imagined future and only the past as it relates to prior successes. We work together to bring out your very best self, “to your own self be true”.

So it is like therapy or personal training?

It is neither. Coaches  engage in skillful conversations and listen intensely. Coaches work on the present and desired future that you want.   We are very much geared to taking new actions and not just talking. For example, after we speak, you may want to experiment with a different approach to your challenge.

What kind of commitment do I need to make?

Each encounter is 50 minutes and they can be at any interval you choose. When you commit to coaching, it is helpful to have some extra space in your life to reflect on what you are doing and to be mindful of the changes you want to make. If you are stressed out and not able to accomplish your goals, consider that we will be exploring the things in your life that drain you or are too small for you. We work together to bring more activity forward that makes you feel fully alive. It is best to commit to coaching for at LEAST 3 months in order to make lasting change.

Who could benefit from Coaching?

Adults or late adolescents who are contemplating a change in their life- who have not yet been successful in sustained change. We all have untapped potential, with the right tools and support can take us to a level of wholeness we may not have imagined. While ambivalence is very normal when initiating change, coaching is not appropriate for those who are completely resistant to changing. Basically, anybody in any sphere of the change cycle (contemplation, preparation, determination, action, or relapse) would benefit from a coach relationship.

I partner with people with:

    • Any kind of self-defeating behavior
    • A life out of balance/life that is not your own
    • Clinical signs of chronic illness
    • Obesity or overweight
    • Leadership (work) challenges
    • Procrastination
    • A relationship with food that does not support wellness
    • A high amount of stress, anxiety or discontentedness
    • A desire to commit to and stick with regular exercise
    • No time to do what calls to them
    • Type II Diabetes or early clinical signs of diabetes
    • Elevated cholesterol
    • High blood pressure
    • A feeling that despite great accomplishments, something in life is missing
    • Experiencing a troubled relationship
    • Leadership challenges
    • Unsuitable work/vocation
    • A life lived in quite desperation

What coaching is not…

  • Psychotherapy, counseling or psychoanalysis
  • Personal training
  • Belittling, denigrating, punishing
  • In any way guilt-inducing

Want to learn more about Dr. O'Grady?

Please read more about Dr. O’Grady here.

Free Consultation

Life is change, but growth is optional... so choose wisely.

If you think wellness coaching is for you, we will schedule a coaching call to see if we are a good fit. During that conversation, I will be listening intensely and helping you mine your unique strengths and deepest desires about your wellness.

Wellness coaching expenses can be paid for using pre-tax dollars for those with Health Savings Accounts or Flex Spending Accounts.

Contact Eileen to inquire about scheduling a no-fee consultation.