
Eileen O'Grady
I am delighted to announce after a very long time, a book I wrote is now published! Choosing Wellness: Unconventional  Wisdom for the Overwhelmed, the Discouraged, the Addicted , the Fearful, or the Stuck. It is a series of essays on how, for the most part, we have so much choice– we have so much...
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“Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” — Rainer Maria Rilke The pandemic has taken many of us to our raggedy edge. I’ve spoken with and listened to thousands of people across this country  over the last 14 months and here are some practices I’ve learned or...
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Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.  Thucydides 460 B.C-395 B.C. Much has been said about fake optimism and that stupid yellow smiley face a year into this pandemic. It is not healthy for us to deny what’s really true for us and stuffing feelings is the...
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Your heart has to be prepared ahead of time through …grace and mercy and love and forgiveness so you can keep your heart open in hell, when hell happens.      Richard Rohr As we hit the one-year mark of this *&^%$* pandemic, many of us feel our limit has been reached and we can...
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The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.  Joseph Campbell We all seem to be floating in this strange place, desperate to see other people, or to be alone, to meet a significant other or to stem the crush of incoming sick people.  This...
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For those longing to make a lifestyle change in this New Year, here are four evidence-based actions from the science of habit formation and goal attainment to help you be successful. Decide it. Behavior change is hard.  It works when you make a decision. You can build an optimal relationship with your everyday behaviors so...
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Despite the good cheer that they bring, holidays can and do often dial up stress.  As we move through a holiday season unlike any we have ever seen, here are three pointers for managing it: Agency You get to decide how you want to lead yourself, how you want to show up.  You can take...
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  Well-being is realized by small steps but is truly no small thing. – Zeno Founder of Stoic Philosophy (334 BC-262 BC) I’ve been taking Robert Sapolsky’s biology course on YouTube on how stress impacts health.  Here is a fun fact to help us frame the holidays during a pandemic: Naked Mole Rats live in...
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All the good stuff is on the other side of tired.     Andre Agassi It is a messy moment we are in with competing pandemics colliding with each other.    Its ok to be operating at 60 percent.  A deep sense of weariness seems to be setting in,  interspersed with very real anxiety.  It would be good...
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A fresh look at Abraham Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’ offers wise guidance in these tumultuous times.  It turns out that the pyramid of needs(below) was only created after Maslow’s death. He never imagined a ladder of needs that one climbs, but rather that our basic food, safety and belonging needs (and can we add strong WiFi?)...
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