
Social Contagion
Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Dolly Parton I meet so many people throughout the year, many of whom are overwhelmed and stressed.  There are many things in the wider world that are beyond distressing and troubling, and we Americans are not great at using vacation time. ...
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Friendship is one of life’s most important healthy pleasures, and one too often taken for granted. A Harvard study found that having no friends (or feeling lonely) is as deadly as smoking, suggesting we ought to pay more attention to who we surround ourselves with. The theory of Dunbar’s Number posits that 150 is the number of perpetually changing...
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 As countries get richer, they do not get happier.                                           The Easterlin Paradox The 2018 World Happiness Report is out and while America’s income per capita has increased markedly during the past 50 years, well-being...
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  You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.  – Jim Rohn  (1930-2009)  Author, The 12 Pillars of Success  When it comes to relationships, we are greatly influenced — whether we like it or not — by those closest to us.  Relationships affect our ways of thinking, our self-esteem, and...
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