
Weight Loss
“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” Mandy Hall, Master Chef One year ago, a beloved family member faced a pivotal moment in his life when a routine check-up with his physician revealed the early signs of fatty liver disease, a consequence of his fast food diet. ...
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A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.      Desiderius Erasmus We all bought into the myth that a habit takes 3 weeks to reach “automaticity” (the ability to do things without occupying the mind). This was based on junk science that has not been reproducible.   A study...
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According to a research study at Yale University it was concluded that continuous stressors and ongoing life problems intensify food cravings. Cravings are intense and specific desires to consume calorie-dense, non-nutritious, highly palatable food that is difficult to resist and is not related to hunger. There are many ways that food can temporarily relieve stress,...
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[gdlr_space height=”20px”]Last Fall I received a call from a young mother, LW, who was given 6 months of wellness coaching as a gift. She wanted to be a size 12, she felt sad, overwhelmed, and was very fearful about her and her family’s future. Having been overweight all her life, she had never had a...
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Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last. —Chinese Proverb There is new research on the habit loop, which finds that when a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision-making. Like being asleep, some habits can be effortless and occur unthinkingly. Hundreds of habits influence our days, how we get dressed, talk to...
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Divide and Conquer. A military metaphor: in order to rule [the self] don’t allow alliances of your enemies [unfulfilled or unspecified needs].   Truth isn’t always beauty, but the hunger for it is —Nadine Gordimer, South African Nobel Prize Novelist The overweight epidemic continues to skyrocket, with more than 2/3rds of us overweight. Most of us...
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