Wellness Pearls Blog

Hunger Scale

Banish Hangry

Banishing Hangry: Finding Freedom by Creating Space Hangry=Hungry + Angry An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.  Albert Einstein A client I am...
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Forgiveness and Good Health

It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.—Maya Angelou – American Poet 1928-2014 We underwent a home renovation and...
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A Weight Loss Success Story: Shaping a Destiny

[gdlr_space height=”20px”]Last Fall I received a call from a young mother, LW, who was given 6 months of wellness coaching as a gift. She wanted...
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leaving home

Adapt or Stay Stuck

Its Always Hard to Leave Home: The Challenge of Change Change always comes bearing gifts. —Price Pritchett, PhD Change Management Expert Five months into the...
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growth mindset

The Simplicity of Growth

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and...
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Moving Through Exquisite Pain

Vulnerability (latin wounding first known use 1605) No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. — C.S. Lewis When we are going...
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Worry is a Choice

Worry is a Choice Worry: wor·ry ˈwərē/ old English- to strangulate To worry is to feel troubled and uneasy, true fear is a gift, unwarranted...
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January 1st

Achieving Goals vs. Magical Thinking

The Anti- New Years Resolution Does your New Year’s resolution look like this? Of the 45% of Americans that make resolutions, only 8% achieve their...
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Clearing Clutter

Clearing Clutter* to Honor the Self Clutter (noun) \ˈklə-tər\ middle English first used in 1556, Cloterne: Clot We shape clay into a pot, but it...
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Wellness Wisdom in Your Inbox

“Wellness Pearls” are short, edgy blog articles authored by Eileen and sent out periodically on the topic of wellness, health and revolutionizing self care. Eileen believes in “permission emailing” – unsubscribe anytime, and your email is always safe with us.