What are you Accountable for?

You must change your life.                                                            Rainer Maria Rilke [1875-1926] Archaic Torso of Apollo

Finding myself in the second half of life, I am noticing very different questions coming up.  As my sons are now adults, I feel the need to pivot my attention away from them and towards something else.  I’ve been pondering the things I want to be accountable for. Here are my ideas:

  • Living in a way in which my will/ego is not in charge (e.g., not reacting to traffic, weather, or the actions of others)
  • Sustaining my values, no matter how wildly different others’ values are
  • Avoiding simple stories in a complex world
    • Hero/villain explanations
    • Blaming individuals when a system is broken
    • Wanting to always be right
    • Expecting no conflict or suffering, ever
  • Making my significant other feel significant
  • Remembering I am not what happened to me nor a prisoner of my own story
  • Living my life in a way that does not harm others including myself
  • Activating my soul through creative and intellectual service to others.
  • Taking 100% responsibility for the conditions of my life, the patterns that unfold and the choices I make

At the height of the Cold War in 1961, Carl Jung said that the future of humankind hangs on the narrowest of threads, and that thread is the level of psychological development of the individual. That’s a very fragile tether—and true now more than ever.  Being accountable to our own development and maturation must be the central task for each of us.

Stay Well (it really matters and affects many more people than just yourself!),


Wellness Resources

When in despair and you don’t know what to do, you can cry. 

This may get you there.


A Three-Part Well-being Series (Virtual)

I will be hosting this virtual event in June 2022 at The Meadow @ Cultivating Leadership.    We will be discussing all things Well-being, for the self, with difficult others, and in the workplace.  It is for anybody who is interested in well-being, their own or others.   Cultivating Leadership is dedicated to deepening our understanding and practice of complexity and adult development.  To find out more, go to THE MEADOW.  I will be offering full scholarships to anyone who could use one.  If interested in a scholarship, contact me:  Eileen@eileenogrady.net 

United Health Project with Liz Svensson in Dublin Ireland

Check out a short interview I had with Liz recently on health and wellness

100 Ways to Improve your Life without Really Trying.

My  Favorite?  # 17- Don’t be weird about stacking the dishwasher. Click here to see The Guardian Article 


Eileen O'Grady
About the author

Dr. Eileen O'Grady is a certified adult nurse practitioner who has practiced in primary care for over two decades. In that role she experienced a wide breadth and depth of humanity with disorders of the mind, body and spirit. She believes deeply that internal change leads to wellness, and that many disorders and diseases are entirely reversible with dramatic lifestyle change. Eileen's School of Wellness offers a unique approach to well-being. Through retreats and keynotes, workshops, and coaching, she provides practical tools that inspire, cultivate resilience, mindfulness, and agility, empowering individuals, teams, and organizations to thrive.
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