
Eileen O'Grady
For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.                        Mandela I just read Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela’s  autobiography before a recent visit to Cape Town...
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If I could name one emotional well-being superpower, it would be mastery of  ‘letting it go’.  When others’ behavior or unchangeable circumstances  gnaw at us, we imprison ourselves.   By quickly accepting and releasing what we cannot control, we alleviate so much suffering and unlock human potential.  Learn to LET. IT. GO. PS: this is not...
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To travel means, ultimately, nothing more than coming back home a different person from the one who left.            Pico Iyer I grew up on a cul-de-sac (see above), defined as a blind alley closed at one end.  As a street design when I was a kid, it was glorious.  As...
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What else does anxiety about the future bring you but sorrow upon sorrow?        -Thomas a Kempis, medieval author, died 1491  In 1844, Kierkegaard described anxiety as the ‘dizziness of freedom’ – the dizzying effect of looking into the boundlessness of possibilities. Anxiety involves apprehension, tension, or uneasiness stemming from the anticipation of...
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It is common to find ourselves at a crossroads, torn between the demands of our responsibilities and the yearning to slow down.  This struggle happened to a colleague who found herself excelling in a high-powered leadership role, stimulated, always learning, and she was very, very good at it.  Yet, she often felt drained with no...
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It’s not an experiment if you know it’s going to work.       Jeff Bezos In 2021, amidst the chaos of Covid, I dreamed about how to revolutionize wellbeing. Conducting countless webinars across the US, I sensed the dire need for something more than ZOOM.  Teaming up with a trusted Costa Rican partner, I envisioned...
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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso (Spanish cubist painter, 1881-1973) A middle school teacher posed a simple question to his class: “Who can sing?” Not a single hand went up. “Who can draw?” Again, not a single hand.  His students  declared their lack...
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Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Dolly Parton I meet so many people throughout the year, many of whom are overwhelmed and stressed.  There are many things in the wider world that are beyond distressing and troubling, and we Americans are not great at using vacation time. ...
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“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” Mandy Hall, Master Chef One year ago, a beloved family member faced a pivotal moment in his life when a routine check-up with his physician revealed the early signs of fatty liver disease, a consequence of his fast food diet. ...
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“Amazing Grace.  How sweet the sound.  Grace is a sound….it’s  some kind of surrender”.  Bono I sometimes struggle with letting events play out-  i.e surrendering.   I can be averse to fully accepting reality and the twists and turns of life.  As a person who wants to be at ease in the world, I’ve had to ...
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