Wellness Pearls Blog

The Persistence of the Medical Model

Wisdom is indemonstrable, art uncertain, strength powerless, wealth useless and speech impotent if health be absent. Greek Anatomist Herophilus, the Father of Anatomy A stunning...
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When Lost: Our First Teacher is Our Own Heart

At some point in an adult life, a sense of mission drift can take root. Somewhere the life and the work we love takes a...
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A Life Hack for Ruminating and Fear

There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors.”  Jim Morrison Some people spend much of their life confined by their...
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Adult Development Stages

Not Rocking Your Mission?

At the mid-point of the path through life, I found myself lost in a wood so dark, the way ahead was blotted out.  Dante, The...
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Stifle Emotional Vampires

Nothing Ever Becomes Real Until it is Experienced.  John Keats There are several forms of emotional vampires (narcissists, victims, controllers, etc.) who go far beyond...
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Even the Moon has Body Image Issues

I have been following the science on weight loss, been listening closely to the vegetarian and Paleo communities, and have coached/listened to scores of men...
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Harvest the Learning

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.    Rita Mae Brown I know when I learn really valuable lessons, I have...
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Feeding the Right Wolf

I’m not a mean person, but I have a capacity for it.     Tina Fey A Cherokee grandfather tells his grandson about violence and cruelty in the world.  He describes...
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Outsource Stress

Inspiration is hard to come by. You have to take it where you find it. Bob Dylan It is estimated that the average person can...
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Wellness Wisdom in Your Inbox

“Wellness Pearls” are short, edgy blog articles authored by Eileen and sent out periodically on the topic of wellness, health and revolutionizing self care. Eileen believes in “permission emailing” – unsubscribe anytime, and your email is always safe with us.